Blog Posts (5)
Smells Like Tuesday - The comic!
Hoshii: Now we just need to find our stuff...
Andrew: This is too easy...Andrew: I mean... that was a pretty obvious plan...
Hoshii: Let's try that door
Hoshii: ...Hi!
Andrew: ...
Guard: I heard your plan...Questalot: STAY BACK! Andrew is very powerful!
Andrew: Uuuh...Andrew: Yes, I will destroy you all!
Hoshii: What... was that...
Andrew: I... have no idea...
Duck: Quack
Guard: ... -
Smells Like Tuesday - The comic!
Knight Battle
She has a plan... probably...
Andrew: This doesn't look like it's going to be easy...
*Hoshii disappears*
Andrew: Wait where did...
Questalot: LOOK OUT!*Knight attacks Andrew*
Questalot: ANDREW!
Andrew: Ow...*Questalot attacks knight*
Questalot: ...
Smells Like Tuesday - The comic!
Hoshii: Hey, what's Questalot doing?
Questalot: Standing guard! You never know when we might get attacked!Hoshii: Andrew?
Andrew: Yeah?
Hoshii: You really don't remember anything?
Andrew: No, not even my name...Andrew: Everything seems really weird, almost not real... And I can do all this magic stuff...
Hoshii: And you're really good at nearly setting your new friends on fire...
Andrew: ... So, you're an elf?
Hoshii: Yes, I am...Andrew: Apart from the pointy ears, how are we different? You look really similar...
Hoshii: ...Hoshii: Well, in case you hadn't noticed: I'm a GIRL.
Andrew: That's not...
Hoshii: I know, but I'm not sure myself.Andrew: ... ... ...
Hoshii: Wow, look at the stars!Andrew: They're pretty impressive.
Hoshii: shiny...
Andrew: *sigh* -
Smells Like Tuesday - The comic!
He should be more careful...
Hoshii: Hey, guys?
Andrew: Yeah?
Hoshii: Where are we going?Andrew: Uhh... good question...
Andrew: Why am I in charge anyway? I don't remember anything about this place.
Andrew: I guess we should make camp here...
Questalot: I will collect some firewood!Hoshii: Well, he's a helpful person.
Andrew: Sometimes, TOO helpful...Hoshii: So, his name is Questalot?
Andrew: Yeah, I know.Questalot: *Returns with wood* Now we just need to light it.
Hoshii: Maybe you could use magic?
Andrew: I guess I can try...Fire: *FWOOSH*
Hoshii: AAAAAAA!Andrew: Hoshii?
Andrew: Sorry... -
Smells Like Tuesday - The comic!
Man: This path is pretty long... This looks like a nice place but I don't recognise anything...
Man: I wonder how I got here...Man: Not again...
Man: What did I just do?
Man: Magic?Man: So I'm... some kind of wizard? This doesn't seem real.
Man: It's like some kind of game.Man: Looks like a town over there. Maybe somebody can explain what's going on here.
Man: Hello?
Steve: Oh, hi. You don't look like you're from here. Are you visiting?Man: Kind of. I'm a bit lost really.
Steve: Ah, I see. This knight came here earlier. He's currently trying to help some people over there. Maybe he can help?Andrew: I guess I could ask him...
Images (15)
Games - Smells Like Tuesday - GalleryInventory(that doesn't work), spellbar and improved randombolt.