8,898 words found by 16 players
0 words found by 0 players this year
0 words found by 0 players this year
How to play
- You've got 90 seconds to find as many of the hidden words as you can
- Spell out a word by selecting letters in the correct order
- When you're happy with the word, press guess. If it's one of the words we're looking for, it will appear on the list
- You can get a new word anytime by pressing 'New Word'
- If you've messed up the spelling completely, press 'Reset'
- At the end of 90 seconds, we'll tell you how you've done
- The more words you find, the higher your level for that word will be
- There are 3 levels to each word, see if you can get the maximum 3 stars on each word
- The number of words you need to find to reach each level is different for each 7 letter word you attempt
- At the end of 90 seconds, you can see the leaderboard for that word by pressing 'Scores'
- Even if you see a word more than once, you can still try and beat your personal high score
Designed and produced by Charlie Birks